by Advanced Medical Resources     Category: General
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Why Leadership Hinges Upon What You Do -- Not Who You Are by via @Entrepreneur PETER GASCA Ask 10 entrepreneurs about the vital characteristics that great leaders possess, and more than likely you will receive 20 different answers. With thousands of books on leadership and countless more articles, there is no shortage of commentary, opinions and debates about the entrepreneurial traits that differentiate great leaders from good leaders from the rest of the pack. Being a leader, however, goes far beyond the ability to master a trait or fill a role. Related: Scale Your Leadership Skills as You Scale Your Company Ronald Heifetz, the director of the Leadership Education Project at Harvard University’s John...
by Advanced Medical Resources     Category: General
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Why Every Leader Needs Mental Toughness via @Entrepreneur KARIMA MARIAMA-ARTHUR There are plenty of theories about how someone becomes a successful leader. From experiencing a life-altering crucible to having strong communication skills or well-developed emotional intelligence, we see effective leaders as having distinctive qualities that bolster influence and catapult their success. When we can't clearly articulate those qualities, we often allude to the default: je ne sais quoi, that undeniable "it factor." However when we see leaders who display an above-average mindset, coupled with strong will and the ability to transcend insurmountable odds, we refer to that remarkable cadre of skills as as mental toughness. Related: 15 Habits of Mentally Tough People Mental toughness has been described as the “ability to work hard...
by Advanced Medical Resources     Category: General
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10 questions to ask a recruiter (and 1 to avoid) via @TheLadders Are you so flattered when a recruiter rings you that you forget to ask them critical questions? Take this quiz to see if you’re covering your bases. By Andrea Sobel Every once in a while, the phone rings, and it’s a recruiter on the other end. While you might not be interested in what he is offering, you have to admit that it’s flattering to get the call. (“Someone thinks I might be right for a job!”) Once you get past the initial compliment, though, you have to get down to the serious...
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