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5 Differences Between People Who Get Promoted and People Who Are Stuck

5 Differences Between People Who Get Promoted and People Who Are Stuck

by Advanced Medical Resources     Category: General

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5 Differences Between People Who Get Promoted and People Who Are Stuck Back in 2006 I was stuck in my job with no clear way out. I was working harder every day, hoping that one day I will get noticed and fully recognized. At the same time, I began to notice that some people around me were getting promoted way faster than everyone else. I started to wonder why the same exact people–about 10% of the company’s employees–got promoted almost every year, while the rest were trapped in their jobs for years. Often they were told there were strict internal rules for career advancement. I spent...

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7 ways Twitter can help you land your dream job

7 ways Twitter can help you land your dream job

by Advanced Medical Resources     Category: General

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7 ways Twitter can help you land your dream job If you’re looking for a job, chances are someone advised you to set up a LinkedIn profile – and with good reason. A social recruiting study by Jobvite found that 94 percent of recruiters use LinkedIn as part of their recruiting strategy. However, LinkedIn isn’t the only social media resource available to job seekers. I recently came across an article on which mentions a number of social media alternatives that are giving LinkedIn a run for their money. One of these resources is Twitter. The online social networking service was founded in 2006...

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12 Easy Ways To Boost Your Confidence

12 Easy Ways To Boost Your Confidence

by Advanced Medical Resources     Category: General

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12 Easy Ways To Boost Your Confidence We all have had days in which our confidence has decreased steadily. Regardless of the day, it is vivid in our imagination because we felt a sense of loss of control over something. Listen to the little voice inside your head telling you to do something about that lack of that self-confidence. Before it gets too difficult to handle, it’s up to you to do something about it. Luckily there are 12 simple things that will help you in your everyday life and give you the tools you need to regain that confidence, or boost. 1. Believe In Yourself The...

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