by Advanced Medical Resources     Category: General
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How To End An Interview On A Strong Note Learn the art of questions that leave them wanting more Rhona Bronson There are many tricks to a strong interview, but the one most frequently overlooked and underutilized is the final question. This is rarely the question an interviewer asks you. Instead, it's the question you ask the interviewer. Unfortunately, in many cases, prospects make the classic interview mistake of missing this opportunity to make a strong, lasting impression. Here's how many interviews end. The hiring manager's last question is: "Do you have any questions for us?" An all too common reply is: "No, you answered everything. Thank you...
by Advanced Medical Resources     Category: General
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Having a bad day at work? Here are 5 ways to turn it around 2 March, 2016 Joy Adan How do you get through an exceptionally bad day at work? You’ve been through it, right? It could just be hump day getting you down. Or maybe it started with a rough morning; your train is delayed or the roads were more congested and you missed an important meeting. Or you spilled coffee on your white shirt just before delivering an important presentation. Or your boss is hounding you, you feel overwhelmed with tasks, or there’s someone or something that’s blocking progress on an important project. It...
by Advanced Medical Resources     Category: General
Posted on at 5 Ways You Can Influence Positive Change at Work and in Life Change is inevitable, but not all change is for the better. Much of what is changing in today’s world is for the worse. Signs of decline are evident everywhere. To improve, change must result in a positive benefit for everyone involved. Does this seem hard to do? Not if you know what to look for. At work and in our lives, we are required to change. The question is: In the process, will we become weaker or stronger? The answer hinges on a crucial choice we all make every day of our...
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